research method

A.    Background of The Problem
Speaking is one of the subjects in learning English that has many advantages such as through speaking, the students can share their opinions, they can communicate with other in speaking, they can new find new friend if they have good communication. According to Nunan speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning.[1] It means, speaking is how to produce the language, especially in English fluently, and accuracy.
Students’ success in learning speaking is influenced by two factors; they are internal and external factors. As purwanto states that the studens are always influenced by external and internal factors.[2] Internal factor is the thing that comes from inside of students such as attitude, talent, self confidance, motivation and so on. Whereas external factor is the thing that comes from outside students such as learning source, teaching method, learning environment, and so on. It means that there are two factors that influenced students’ success in their speaking.
Motivation is one of factors that is needed by students in helping them to succeed in their learning. According to Hermer also stated that motivation is some kind of internal drive with pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something.[3] It means that motivation will engage students to get succes in their learning. Therefore, if students want to increase their learning, they should have motivation.
In increasing the students’ motivation, there some techniques that can be used by teachers. The teachers in classroom have to develop communicative, interactive and active situation in classroom. To make it happens, teacher should know communicative technique for teaching English. Especially for speaking, the technique should motivate the students to speak actively. As for the shy sudents, it should facilitate and give opportunity to them to speak.
One ways to improve students’ motivation in speaking is by using role play technique. Role play is technique that can improve the students’ motivation in speaking. They can practice their speaking in any situation. Ladouse in Huang also states that role play is one of a whole gamut of communicative techniques which develops fluency in language students, promotes interaction in the classroom, and increases motivation.[4] It means that by applying this technique, students’ motivation is assumed can be improved. This technique does not only make students have more opportunities to act and interact with heir peers but also can make students used to use the English language. They can become more aware of the usefulness and practicality of English.
In addition, role play is divided into two types, they are: scripted and unscripted role play. Donn Bryne states that role play can be grouped into two forms, scripted and unscripted role play.[5] Scripted role play means that students play the dialog or conversation based on the next book or dialoque that is given by teacher. In contrast, unscripted role play means that students play conversation or dialoque spontaneously and without depending on the script that is given by teacher. It means that students have to decide what words to use and how the conversation develops.
Morevor, unscripted role play technique leads the students to speak English directly and spontaneously. It can also make to be active and participate in the classroom. Students will enjoy speaking without afraid of making mistake in their grammar and also giving opportunity to speak much in the classroom.
Unscripted role play technique has been used by some schools, including Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai that is located in Sungai Pua. In this school, there are four English teachers and one of the teacher in this school has applied unscripted role play technique in teaching speaking.
In Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai, the teacher in teaching speaking uses the unscripted role play technique. The teacher asks students to create the dialoque in pair at least two or three students. The students will perform conversation in the classroom based on the dialoque that they have wtitten. It is the way to increase students’ motivation by performing conversation that they have written in front of class and they will be free to expresss their ideas.
Unfortunatelly, however teacher had applied appropriate procedure in using unscripted role play, but some students still had lack of motivation to speak English in the classroom. It cloud be seen when techer asked students to make dialoque and perform it in front of the class, some students seem enjoy making the dialoque and preparing to perform it in the classroom. Whereas, some other seemed unmotivated and did not want to make the dialoque and even they made noise in the classroom. It was caused by some factors. One of them was that speaking English is difficult for the students. Some students did not know what words that they should use because they have limited vocabulary. Some students liked confused to create the conversation because of uncondusive environtment that was used to speak Indonesian Language or mother tongue (Minang Languge). Some students did not want to speak English bacuse they taugh much about using grammer. They were afraid of making mistake in their grammar. Others did not show their enthusias because they did not enjoy following speaking class.
Based on the phenomena above, the researcher is interested to conduct a research  about “The Effectiveness of Using Unscripted Role Play Technique Toward Students’ Motivation in Speaking Skill at Seventh Grade of Yayasan Pendidikan Diniyah Limo Jurai Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai in Academic Year 2015/2016”.

B.     Problem and Focus of The Research
Uncsripted role play technique is assumed as an effective technique to improve students’ motivation to speak at the classroom. As the reality that the researcher found in this observation, there were some students still had low motivation.

C.    Formulation of The Problem
Based on the problem, the researcher formulates the problem as following question : “is the use of unscripted role play technique effective to improve students’ motivation in speaking English at the seventh grade of pondok pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai in academic year 2015/2016?
D.    Purpose of The Research
Based on formulation of study, the purpose of study is to know the effectiveness of using unscripted role play technique in improving students’ motivation in speaking English at Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai.
E.     Significance of the Research
The result of this research hopefully can give contribution as follow:
1.      For teacher
The researcher hopes that Unscripted Role Play technique can give contributor to the educator, and motivate the teacher o use many techique in learning espically in speaking.
2.      For college
For it college, it will be used to add he literaure in the library of IAIN Bukittinggi and can be a source of the next researcher.

3.      Future researcher
The researcher hopes this thesis can quide the next reseacher who wants to do research with he same topic.
4.      For researcher
Improve researcher knowledge about applying unscripted role play technique in speaking.
F.     Definition of Key Terms
Some essential terms used in this research are defined as follow:
1.      The effectiveness is a measure that says how far the target (quantity, quality and time) is achieved. Where he greater percentage of target achieved, he higher its effectiveness.
2.      Speaking is a skill that is required by the students to be able to express their ideas,feelings, and expressions to other in oral form.
3.      Motivation is students’ desire to learn, to be active and to participate during teaching and learning process.
4.      Unscripted role play is technique which develops the students’ opportunities to act and interact with the peers in speaking language by using the dialoque each others without scripted that is gien by the teacher.

                                                CHAPTER II
A.    Review of Related Theory
1.      The Nature of Speaking
a.      The Definition of Unscripted Role Play
Every language teacher should realize the use of technique that can be applied in teaching English in the classroom. One of technique that can help the students to face their problem in speaking is using unscripted role play technique. Unscripted role play or unstructured role play is used spontaneously exploration of various situations. Adam Blatner states that “unscripted role play is where there was to be no script, no fixed lines, and no rehearsals.”[6] It means that in unsripted role play, students learn to be creative and use their spontaneity in developing the idea. It is contrast with scripted role play which emphasizes on written scripts that is given by the teacher.
In addition, when the students are taught by using unscripted role play technique, they will directly learn to interact and cooperate each others, unscripted role play is teaching technique which enforces empathy, cooperation and negotiation skills.[7] It can be concluded that by using unscripted role play technique the students can develop good social skills with their partner.
Then, according to Hermer unscripted role play is those where students are asked to imagine that they are in different situations and act accordingly. It means that students can be free to issued idea in different situations.[8]
Based on explanation above, it can be conclude that unscripted role play is one of technique to learning speaking which used spontaneously exploration in different situations.
b.      Characteristics of Unscripted Role Play
Unscropted role play has some characteristics that the teacher need to know in learning process. According to Ken Jones, unscripted role play has following characterictics.[9]:
1.      Reality of function: the students must not think of themslves as students, but as real participants in the situation.
2.      A simulated environment: imaginary situation that is created by the learners.
3.      Structure: students must see how the activity is constructed and they must be given the necessary information to carry out the play effectiely.
It means that reality of function, a stimulated environment, and structure should be known by teachers in applying unscripted role play technique.
c.       Procedures in Using Unscripted Role Play
In unscripted role play, the situation of unscripted role play does not depend on the text book. The students themselves have to decide what words that they should use and how to develop the conversation. Holmes states speaking in role plays in pairs in chairs[10] :
First, the teacher should address individual students with the greetings below. Then, have the SDS read the back the replies. This is for pronunciation, so that they get the right sound and tone to the words. Then, put them in pairs in two rows of chairs opposite one another and have them read the greetings and replies in sequence aloud for speaking and pronunciation practice, with everyone talking at once. Give them a few minutes to practice, and then stop and get each pair to speak aloud, one pair at a time, one line at a time. Practice the rhythm and the music of the language with them as you go.
Greeting           Reply
Hi                     Hello
Hello               Hello

d.      Teacher’s Role in Using Unscripted Role Play
The teacher’s in using unscripted role play can vary. Harmer states some teacher’s role dealt with teaching speaking using unscripted role play such as organizer, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, and also observer.[11]
e.       Advantages of Using Unscripted Role Play
There are seven advantages in using unscripted role play.[12]
1)      It stimulates authentic conversations
2)      It is a fluency activity
3)      It is suitable for consolidation
4)      It creates sensitivity and a sense of awareness
5)      It increases motivation
6)      It is a break from routine
7)      It prepares students for real life and unpredictability
2.      The Nature of Motivation
a.      The Definition of Motivation
Motivation is defined as the driving force behind our actions, fueled by desire for something. Motivation also is something that eneggizes, direct, and sustains behaviors. Richards and Schmidt define motivation as “the driving force in any situation that leads to action”.[13] It means that students are motiated to do something when they feel the importance think and expect to succeed in doing speaking.
Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that someone will get success in his learning if he has a good motivation because motivation is really importance to make someone has willingness to do somethig and also gives it the direction energizes and directs goal oriented. Besides motivation is more specific than content based subjet because language as a skill needs to be applied not just stored in the head or admired. Thus, the teacher needs to teacher needs to encourage language through motivation.
b.      Types of The Students’ Motivation
Two types of motivation reoccur throughout the literature. They are instrumental and integrative motivation:
1.      Instrumental motivation
Instrumental motivation is one in which the learner desires to use the language as a tool to achieve some desirable ends.
2.      Integrative motiation
Integrative motivation is one in which “learners may choose to learn a particular L2 because they are interested in the people and culture represented by the target-language group”.[14]
c.       Kinds of the students’ motivation
Generally speaking, the optimal kind of motivation from within is identified as :
1.      intrinsic motivation
that is, doing something as an end in itself, for its own self-sustaining pleasurable rewards of enjoyment, interest, challenge, or skill and knowledge development.

2.      extrinsic motivation
that is, doing something as a means to some separable outcome, such as gaining a qualification, getting a job, pleasing the teacher, or avoiding punishment.[15]
d.      The Factors That Influence The Students’ Motivation
The students’ motivation will be influenced by internal and external factors:
a.       Internal factors
These factors are made to reach the best motivation from inside of someone’s self. The intern factors are physiology and psychology factors as Slameto classified:
1)      Physiology
The physiology is devided into two kinds; healty and physical defect:
a)      Healty
b)      Physical Defect
2)      Psychology
This factor is divided into four sorts; intelligence, attention, interest, and talent.

b.      External factors
The external factors are the factors that influence the students’ motivation that come from the outsid of someone’s self, as Brown states that external motiation is when other influences, such as teacher or school requirements, pressure someone to do something.[16]
e.       Indicator to Measure Students’ Motivation to Speak English
Students who hae enjoyed in speaking English can be seen from their attitude when they learn English. When the students have igh motivation in speaking, they will active and seriouly participate in the classroom. According to Asrori the students who have high motivation will:
a.       Strong destination to study
b.      Having high curiosity
c.       Can do their task alone without asking help for someone else
d.      Having good concentration when they study
e.       Their difficulities is considered as away to get success
f.        Never give up
g.      Having good spirit to study
h.      Wish to do things that the teacher expect
i.        Having desire to jnow the language
j.        Having a new word to be said in the classroom.[17]

In this stage, the researcher just take the indicators that appropriate in students’ motivation in speaking activity that can be seen in Unscripted Role Play technique, the indicators are:
a)      Enjoy learning language
b)      Want to learn language
c)      Strive to learn language
d)      Doing the task seriously
e)      Spirit to study
f)       Perseverance
g)      Having new words to be said in the classroom
h)      Actively and participate in language learning process
i)        The performance of a task for it is own sake
j)       Learner motivation is eidence by the amount of attention given to the input
k)      Lead to improved performance
l)        Ego involvement
m)    Belief about self
n)      Have good concentration when studying
o)      Never give up
p)      Their difficulities is consider as the way to get success
q)      Goal orientation
f.       Measuring Students’ Motivation
One of scale that can be used to measure students motivation is likert scale. According to Sugiyono the likert scale is used to measure te attitude, opinion and the perception of someone or a group of people about social phenomena.[18] By using likert scale, variable that will be mesured should have variable indicators. The indicators become reference to arrange the item of instruments. In addition, item of instruments can be question or statement.
On a survey or questionnare, a typical likert item usually takes the following format:
1.      Always
2.      Often
3.      Sometimes
4.      Seldom
5.      Never

The gradations have score for each item. As sugiyono stated[19]:


3.      The Nature of Speaking
a.      The Definition of Speaking
Speaking is an interaction process between speaker and listener that insolves sharing of meaning. According to chaney speaking the process of building and sharing meaning throught the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts.[20] It means that in speaking there is a process of communication between speaker and listener which convey the message or information by using verbal and non-verbal symbols.
b.      Characteristic of Succesful Speaking
Students who get success in speaking have some characteristic, according to Ur characteristic of succesfull speaking, they are: first, learners talk a lot. Students speak as much as possible in learning activity. Second, participation is even. Classroom discussion is not dominate by a minatory of talk active participant, but all students get change to speak. third, motivation is hight. Learners engage to speak because they are interes in the topic and have something new to say it. Forth, language is of an acceptable level. Students express themselves in utterance that are relevant, easy comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level language activity.[21]
B.     Review of The Related Studies
Many studies have been conducted in various objects in order to improve students motivation in speaking. One of those studies is the study conducted  by Ayu Diah Harni Susanti. Her study is “Using Role Play in Teaching Speaking” (an Action Reseacher at Islamic Junior High School Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat). The method used in this research is experiment research. The research findings prove that Role Play technique can improve students’ motivation in speaking and are more advantages when Role Play is applied in teaching learning process.
In her research, the sudents were motivated in learning and the student’s speaking score are better than before. Besides, they become more active in the classroom and speaking in the classroom more enjoyable. In addition, the shy student’s also lead to be active in the classroom. Thus, it can be said that the teaching speaking by using Role Play in Islamic Junior High School was successful.
The review of related studies above studies above shows role play gives significant effect toward students’ speaking skill. The differences beteen this research and otheers research that have been done above ere this research focuses on effectiveness of using unscripted role play in impoving sudent’s motivation in speaking. The research wants to know whether unscripted role paly strategy is effective or not in improving student’s motivation in speaking.
C.    Conceptual Framework
Conceptual below is a framework of the problems that are taken by the researcher. Conceptual framework of this research could be created as follow:
The characteristic of unscripted role play:
-          Reality of function
-          A simulated environment
-          Structure

The components motivation:
-          Curiosity
-          Self efficacy
-          Attitude
-          Need
-          Competence
-          External motivators
Unscripted role play technique
Speaking difficulities:
-          Low motivation
-          Limited vocabulary
-          Afraid of making mistake in grammar
The benefits of using unscripted role play:
-          Simulated authentice conversation
-          Fluency activity
-          Create sensitivity and a sense of awareness
-          Increases motivation
-          Prepare students for real life and unpredictability
Motivation to speak
Is the use of unscripted role play effective in increasing students’ motivation in speaking?

                 The above scheme that there are there main difficulities that are gotten by students: low motivation, limited vocabulary, afraid of making mistake in grammar. The unscripted role play is given to solve these problems by giving some benefits: simulated authentic conversation, fluency activity, creates sensitivity and sense of awareness, increases motivation, prepare students for real life and unpredictability.
             Unscripted role play has two characteristic: reality of function, a simulated environment, stucture. In this research, the researcher will research whether the use of the use of unscripted role play is effective in increasing students’ motivation in speaking.

A.    Setting of the Research
In this research the reseacher used the type of descriptive research. Sukmadinata states that descriptive research is a reseach method used for describing the the phenomenon existing that taking place in this time or in the past.[22] The purpose of the research is to analyze the phenomenon existing in field in order to get the information.
The research will coducted thus reseach at the seventh grade of students at Pondok Pesantren Diniyyah Limo Jurai. This school has been applied unscripted role play technique in teaching learning process. Based on the observation, in this school, the researcher found the problem about the students’ motivation in speaking. The researcher conducted the research starting from November 2015.
B.       Informant of the Research
Arikunto states that purposive sampling technique is a technique that is used by researcher if the researcher has some certain consideration to determine the samples.[23] The informants of the reseach were the students at seventh grade and the English teacher who teach in the seventh grade. There are 65 students in seventh classes at this grade. The research only used one class in this research that was class VII.A which consisting students.
C.      Technique of Data Collection
The data in this research were collected through observation, interview and questionare.
1.      Observation
The researcher used the direct observation to know the real situation in teaching learning process in using unscripted role play technique in improving students’ motivation in speaking which the researcher observed directly to the object that is the teacher’s activities in Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo jurai the class VII.A students. The researcher used systematic observation type which some factors that will be observed have been arranged systematically and the researcher was not participant in. The researher did the observation until getting the valid data. The observation is completed with the observation sheet.
Furthemore the researcher tasted validity of the observation sheet by using construct validity. According to Gay, in fact constructs were “inverted” to explain behavior.[24] To measure the validity the researcher consulted to the indicator of motivation and some experts such an English lecturer. The researcher also used notebook and camera to complete this observation during taking the data.
2.      Interview
  Interview is a conversation between interviewer and interviewee in getting information throught some questions and responses. The purpose of interview is to get some information throught some questions and responses. The purpose of interview is to get some information from the interviewee to the interviewer. According to Syamsuddin and Damaianti, interviews conducted ti find what going on right now about people, events, activities, organization, feelings, motivation, recognition, concerns, and so on.[25] The researcher did interview to the teacher who teaches speaking by using unscripted role play in the class VII.A. Throught interview, the researcher hoped be able to get more in-depth information from the teacher about student’s motivation in speaking when the teacher used unscripted role play at the classroom and the effectiveness of the technique. The interview from was a free guided interview.
  Furthermore, interview was as supporting technique in collection data beside observation and questionare. The researcher prepared several tools or instrumnts which helped in interview process such as list of questions, tape recorder, camera, notebook, text of some question as a written guide and other that would support this interview. The reseacher directly related to the questions that would be asked about the effectiveness of using unscripted role play in improving student’s motivation in speaking at the class VII.A students in Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai. The teacher was the main key to complete this research.
3.      Questionnaire
 Questionnaire is an instrument in collecting data or information about the student’s motivation in speaking. In this research, questionnaire consisted of 20 list question items that were collected by the reseacher by distributing the questionnaire to be filled by the VII.A students to get their perception toward the statements given. The questionnairewas made by the reseacher by using closed questionnaire. It means, the respondents nly answered based on the available response. The questionnaire written based on the indicators on student’s motivation in speaking. To avoid the miss understanding and to make it clear for them, the researcher had considered making the questionnaire in Indonesian. It was expected that the students as sample would give more spontaneous and accurate answer. The reseacher used construct validity and empirical validity to test the questionnaire items.  
The writer used five steps in arranging the istrumentation of questionnaire. The steps were stated by Margono:
1.      Analyzing the research’s variable. The reseacher used the theories that used in the reseach to make sub variable and indicators in gaining the data. It means that the variable of this reseach were the student’s motivation in speaking that would be measured by using questionnaire.
2.      Deciding kinds of instrumentation that would be used to measure variable, sub variable, and indicators.
3.      Arranging the reseach’s guideline or instrument’s lay out. The guideline consisted of total, kind, and scope of question.
4.      Creating items of questionnaire related to the variable which would be measured.
5.      Testing the validity and realibility of the items by distributing the questionnaire to the rspondents who had the same level. It was done because the characteristic of a good instrument are the existence of validity and reliability.
The questionnaire also should be measured by using empirical validity. According to Sambas and Maman, the empirical validity is based on the experience value when the instrument of the research has been tried out to the testee who is not the sample of the research.[26] After being fulfilled by the tester, the writer recalled it and measured the validity by using the product moment formula by Karl Pearson:

Rxy =

In which :
Rxy = correlation index
N = the sum of tester
the sum item score and total score
 the sum of total score

Tabel 3.3 : the correlation coeficient[27]
The Range of Score Category
Very high
Very low

The correlation coeficient can also be done through degrees of freedom (db) = n-2 in 5%. Making conclusion is by comparing the value of rxy and the value of rtable. He criteia s if rxy than rtable (rxy>rtable) so, the item of instrument is valid.[28]
The questionnaire will also be measured by using reliability. Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. The questionnaire is consideration reliable if given the same of questionnaire to the same students on different occasions, the questionnaire should give similar result. Sambas states that a measurement instrument is said to be consistent an reliable if the measurement is carefully accurate.[29]
6.      Revising the instrument based on the result of  instrument’s test. If there were some items which were not valid or reliable, it should be repaired or deleted.
In brief, the researcher used these steps above in creating the good instrumentation that related in using unscripted role play in improving students’ motivation in speaking.
D.    Technique of Data Analysis
This reseach used the descriptive qualitative. Arikunto explained that data analysis is meant by processing data obtained by using formulas or rules that are applicable to reseach or design approach taken.[30] In this research, the researcher tried to describe whether the use of unscripted role play was effective or not in improving students’ motivation in speaking at the class VII.A in Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai.
The step to analyze the data of questionnaries, Arikunto suggested six steps, as follow:[31]
1.      Editing, the researcher would check the respondents’ answer in order to know about the data.
2.      Coding, the respondents’ answer would be coded by the writer based on their answer.
3.      Tabulating, the reseacrher would account the data and presented it in the table.
4.      The researcher would use the formula to find out the percentage of each item of questionnaire, the writer would use the formula that is proposed by  Sudjana and Ibrahim as follow.[32]
                 P=  x 100%
P    : the percentage of result
f     : the percentage of answer on each question
n    : the total anmount of the sample

5.      After the researcher knew about the result  of the percentage of total score it was arranged into the table of rating scale. According to Arikunto, rating scale describe a numerical value to some kinds of judgment.[33] The researcher would give interpretation of the effectiveness of data. The percentage could be seen in the table below:

Percentage of the rating scale
Rating quality
Very effective
Sufficienly effective
Not effective
Less than effective
Not very effective

So, the researcher could compare and give interpretation the result to the table above to know the effectiveness of using uscripted role play in improving students’ motivation in speaking in Pondok Pesantren Diniyah Limo Jurai.
E.     Triangulation of the Data
           In testing the validity of the data in this qualitative research, the researcher tasted of the credibility of the data that was obtained by using triangulation of data. William Wiersma in Sugiyono states that “tringulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergency of multiple data sources or multiple data collection peocedures.[34] Triangulation was defined as checking the data from a variety of means or technique, resources and time. Thus, the researcher used techniques triangulation type.
           Triangulation technique were done by checking the data gotten to the same source with different techniques. For example, data that was obtained by interview was checked by data obtained from observation an questioner. There would be gotten valid data with the certainty of data.

[1] David Nunans, Practical English Language Teaching (McGraw Hill:Singapore,2003)
[2] M. Ngalim Purwanto, Psikologi Pendidikan, Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya, 2007, p.1
[3] Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman: Cambridge UK, 2004, p.51
[4] Ladouse,
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[5] Donn Byrne, Teaching Oral English: Longman Handbooks for English Teacher, Singapore: Longman Group 1986, p.115
[6] Adam Blatner, “Role Playing in Education”,2009,
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[7]  e-How Contributor, How to Teach Children to Role Play,
[8] Jeremy Hermer, How to Teach English,England:Pearson Education, 2001,p.92
[9] Ken Jones in Jeremy Harmer, the practice of English Language Teaching, England: Pearson Educatio, 2001, p.274
[10] David Holmes, Speaking Activities for the Classroom,Bangkok,2003,p.136
[11] Jeremy Harmer, The Parctice of Languge Teaching, England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001, p.57-60
[12] Wan yee sam, Drama in Teaching English as a Second Language –a Communicative Approach, 1990
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[13] Richards, etal, Learners Motiation to Speak
[14] Ellis in F.J. Noonan, How to Improve Your Spoken English,p.3
[15] Ryan and Deci in Carol Griffiths, Lessons from Good Language Learners, Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2008,p.21
[16] H. Douglas. Brown,Strategis for Success a Practical Guide to Learning English, New York: Addison Wesley Longman,2002, p.19
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[18] Sugiyono, Metoda Penelitian Pendidikan, jakarta:2002,p.135
[19] Sugiyono, Metoda Penelitian Pendidikan,Jakarta:2002,p.135
[20] Hayriye Kayi,”Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language”,2012
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[21] Penny Ur, A course in Language teaching, Australia:Cambridge University Press,1999,p.48
[22] Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009, p.54
[23] Suharsini Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2006, p. 145
[24] L.R. Gay, Educational Researh, p.131
[25] Syamsuddin AR and Vismaia S. Damaianti, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007, p.94
[26] Sambas Ali Muhidin and Maman Abdurahman, Analisis Korelasi, Regresi, dan Jalur dalam Penelitian, Bandung: Rineka Cipta, 2007, p.30-31
[27] Sambas Ali Muhidin and Maman Abdurahman, Analisis Korelasi, Regresi, dan Jalur dalam Penelitian, Bandung: Rineka Cipta, 2007, p.146
[28] Sambas Ali Muhidin and Maman Abdurahman, Analisis Korelasi, Regresi, dan Jalur dalam Penelitian, Bandung :Rineka Cipta, 2007,p. 35-36
[29] Sambas Ali Muhidin and Maman Abdurahman, Analisis Korelasi, Regresi, dan Jalur dalam Penelitian, Bandung :Rineka Cipta, 2007,p. 37
[30] Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian,Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2006,p.236
[31] Suharsimi Arikunto, Management Penelitian, Jakarta: Rinek Cipta,2006,p.236
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[33] Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta:Bumi Aksara,1999,p.27
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