speech task


From the picture above, the students can illustrate what the meaning of the picture. This picture tell about retelling stories.  The students may use five fingers to remember the point that must exist if they do retelling stories. So this picture is very help students to learn about retelling stories.

The moral value that can be deliver from the picture above is, the most god creatures is human. We can use our body  to study, for examples in usimg fingers of hand for learning. Students are be able greatfull what god have goven to us.



1.     Read the general instructional objective and specific instructional objectives.

General Instructional Objective:

~        The students are able to retell the story
Specific Instructional Objectives:
a.       The students are able to retell the movies that they have watched.
b.      The students are able to retell the books or stories that they have read.
c.       The students are able to retell the news that they have wathed or listened.
d.      The students are able to retell the stories and culture of Minangkabau that they have read.
T he teacher ask the student to read the general instructional objective and specific instructional objectives, so that the students know what the goals of kearning retelling stories.


2.      Motivated yourself.

1.       After finishing the lesson, I must be able to retel stories with five finger retelling
2.       After finishing the lesson, I know what can I do to retel stories
3.       After finishing the lesson, Iwant to retel some stories  to my friends

The teacher ask the students to read the motivated yourself

3.      Brainstroming

1.      What is the famouse legend in your hometown?
2.      How about the end of the story?
3.      Where is the setting of the legend?
4.      How many characters of the story?
5.      What is the problem of the story?

The picture above is one example to retell stories. We  asked students to create a story based on the picture above then students can retell what they know about a story of the image using the rope retell.
Social value that we can convey to students is to never do evil to anyone though he is not our brother because evil is rewarded with evil and goodness will be rewarded with good.


4.      Look the picture above. (Work in pairs)

1.      What is it ?
2.      What do you think about it?
3.      Write what you think in your paper
4.      Tell it to your friends in front of class

5.      Read the joke. ( Discuss with your friends)
The teacher ask the students to read the joke
"The Owl and the Field Mouse Story"
A little field-mouse was lost in a dense wood, unable to find his way out. He came upon a wise old owl sitting in a tree. "Please help me, wise old owl, how can I get out of this wood?" said the field-mouse.
"Easy," said the owl, "Grow wings and fly out, as I do."
"But how can I grow wings?" asked the mouse.
The owl looked at him haughtily, sniffed disdainfully, and said, "Don't bother me with the details, I only advise on strategy."


·         Discuss this joke with your friend
·         Retell it to your lecturer
·         Add your idea about the joke
Dense: tebal , Haughtily: angkuh, Sniffed: mengendus, Disdainfully: memandang rendah, Bother: mengganggu, Advise: menasehati


6.      Follow the lecturer’s instruction to lower your anxiety through simple relaxtion by taking a deep breath and performing these exercise: (Optimal)
a.       Slowly tense and then relax your foot mucles
b.      Push your arms toward table or chair for a short time, and then release
c.       Press the palms of your hands together at the same time, then release, repeat as necessary

The teacher ask the student to do the instruction

7.      Listen this song: “Ummi ..more stories please”[2]
·         Sing a song with your friends
we asked the students to listen to a song “ ummi more stories please” then they repeat sing the song together.

Values that can be delivered from the song are children should be taught to listen to or read a story about the story of the prophet because many religious values can we get from the story


8.      Watch the film “the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)”
a.       Tell it to your lecturer
·         The beginning in Yusuf and his brothers there are signs for every one of those who want to ask.
·         In the middle kill Yusuf or expel him to some land so that your father will look to you alone and then you can be people who do right.
·         The end of this story is that night they came back to their father in teirs, saying futher we want out to run a race and left Yusuf together with our things and then a whole appeared and ate him up but you are never going to believe us now noy even though we really the truth.

The teacher ask the students to watch the film “the story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)”


9.      Retelling Rope

a.       Character : a person depicted in a narrative or drama
b.      Setting: the backdrop against which the characters act out the events
c.       Problem : social novel is a “work of fiction in which a prevailing social problem, such as gender, race, or class prejudice, is dramatized through its effect on the characters of a novel”.
d.      Solution: is how the problem in the story solved
Difficult words
Depicted: digambarkan, Backdrop: latar belakng, prejudice: prasangka

·         Read the text

Did You Thank Allah for Your Eyesight?
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"
The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way." What he had written was: "Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it."
Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective? "It is He, Who has created for you (the sense of) hearing (ears), sight (eyes), and hearts (understanding). Little thanks you give." [surah Al-Mu'minun; 78]

78. Dan Dialah yang telah menciptakan bagi kamu sekalian, pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati. Amat sedikitlah kamu bersyukur.
78. and it was he who created for you all, hearing, vision, and heart. Very little you are grateful.
·         what is the problem of the story?
·         How is the end of the story?

"Allow women to go to the mosques at night."
Reporter: Ibn Umar (r)
Source: Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 2, #22
Note: There is no gender inequality before God. Muslims have developed grossly distorted cultures where Muslim women's rights are easily disregarded, or worse, encroached upon. The trace of such tendencies existed even during the liberated post-Jahiliyah society under the leadership of Muhammad (s). Painstakingly, but consistently, the noble Messenger of God addressed these issues that ought not leave any lingering doubt in our minds about the importance of his message and guidance. When during his own times, some people discouraged or even hindered women from visiting mosques, he instructed Muslims to allow women to visit mosques even at night. Indeed, we need to facilitate their participation in the mosque-oriented social and cultural life of Islam. Prophetic narration such as this should motivate us to study the overall issue of gender in contemporary context with seriousness, openmindedness, and commitment to put Qur'anic perspective and Prophetic heritage above our received culture.
"To spend one morning or evening in the cause of God is better than the world and whatever is in the world."
Reporter: Hadhrat Anas bin Malik
Source: Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, #50

Note: Success in any human endeavor critically depends on a well-defined set of priorities in one's life. For Muslims, the life is an integrated whole. The entire life is to be devoted to God, the Rabb, by moulding one's life completely according to the Islamic codes of life. In pursuing the eternal Home of Peace (dar as-Salam) and happiness, a Muslim has to live a normal and full human life within the parameters of this worldly reality. This temporal reality offers us many alternatives to covet and pursue. However, even if one aspires the "world and whatever is in it," one needs to understand that devoting even a part of one's life, morning or evening, is better than that. God has given us a well-delineated, yet broad spectrum of things in life to cherish and accomplish individually as well as collectively. Whether it is to better oneself or the society, it is imperative that we allocate our time, energy, and resources effectively.[4]
The teacher ask the students to read the text and answer the questions

10.  Motivation and wise Expression

·         Discuss with your lecturer


11.  Asking Questions
·         Ask questions to your lecturer

Read the text below!

The story of prophet Ibrahim (Qurban)

One night Ibrahim had a bad dream.  He dreamt Allah told him to sacrifice Ismail. Ibrahim thought it was shaytan playing nasty tricks on him.

 next night Ibrahim had the same horrid dream. Ibrahim knew that Allah would only ask him to do such a thing if he had good reason. Even though he loved his son dearly, he was prepared to do this difficult thing for Allah.
Ibraim told Ismail they had to go to Mount Arafat. He took a knife and a rope with him. On the way they passed a place called Mina. The devil, Shaytan, came to Ibrahim and tried to talk him out of sacrificing his son.
Ibrahim turned his back on him and would not listen. When they reached Mount Arafat, Ibrahim told Ismail what Allah wanted him to do. Ismail listened and accepted what was to happen. He was an exceptional child. He too was a great prophet.

Ismail told his father to tie his hands and legs and blindfold himself so he would not struggle and make his father even more upset than he was going to be and Ibrahim was blindfolded so he would not see his son suffer.
Ibrahim did as Ismail had said. He then took the knife and did what Allah had told him to do. When he took the blindfold from his eyes he looked down, not at his son but at a dead ram. Ismail was at his side.
Ibrahim was afraid. He thought he had disobeyed but then he heard a voice telling him not to worry. Allah looks after his followers. Ibrahim and Ismail had passed a difficult test. Each year, during the month of Dhul Hijjah, many Muslims, from all over the world, travel to Makkah. They want to remember what Ibrahim and Ismail did. In the month of Dhul Hijjah these pilgrims go to Makkah, Mina and Arafat.

They visit places where Ibrahim and Ismail lived and preached. They give a sacrifice just as Allah commanded Ibrahim to do. The pilgrims sacrifice animals in memory of the deed. We must obey Allah's commands as Ibrahim and Ismail did. We obey by doing the things we know are right, praying, obeying our parents and always telling the truth.[5]

The teacher ask the students to read the the text and answer the questions

1.       What is the ibrahim dreamt?  He dreamt Allah told him to sacrifice Ismail. Ibrahim thought it was shaytan playing nasty tricks on him.
2.       Tell it to your the information that you got from the text above!


12.  Watch the film : Great Women of Islam and Muhammad the last Prophet.
·         Choose one of them
·         Write the information from the film
·         Tell it to your lecturer
Example :
1.      The characters from the story ...
2.      The problem is ...
3.      In the beginning ....
4.      At the end story is ...

13.  Choose one of the topic . your home town, favorite food, and bad or good experience. Then , retell it in front of class.

The teacher ask the students to choose one of the topic . your home town, favorite food, and bad or good experience. Then , retell it in front of class.


14.  Read the text


Once upon a time, there was a young lived in West Sumatra named Malin Kundang. He lived with a poor fisherman family. His father went to sea to make a living for his family and he never came back to home. People made an issue about his father’s death. This issue made his mother anxious every day.
Several months later, his mother chose to forget about his father. She realized that she had to work hard. She did a lot of works all day and night. Unfortunately, she still didn’t get enough money for her family.
Malin couldn’t stand with his mother’s suffering. He decided to go sailing and made money. He wanted to become a rich man so he could help his mother. At first, his mother didn’t allowed him to go. She was afraid Malin did not come back like his father did. At the last, Malin got his mother allowance to go.
Several years later, he became a rich sailor. He had many ships and crews. He was married with a beautiful girl and had three children.
One day, he had a business in an island which is his hometown. In this island he met an old lady. She hugged Malin very tightly. However, Malin scolded and pushed her. He realized that old woman is his mother. But, he was afraid if his wife and children knew about his mother. So, he told the old lady to go away. He said his mother was from a rich family. Noticing about his son bad attitude, she was sad and angry. She prayed and said that Malin had to change into stone. Malin kundang even scolded her more.
After finishing his business, he went sailing back with his wife and children. On the sea, the sky instanly overcast. Heavy lighting and rain was failing. Their ship hit the rocks and crashed. Malin swayed to the shore. The magic happened. He turned into stone liked her mother wish. It was known as Malin Kundang stone by people of West Sumatra.[6]

·         What is characters from the story?
·         How is the beginning of story?
·         How is the end of the story?
Moral values that we can take the story above is not disobedience to parents because they had raised us with great affection. god hates people who disobey their parents
The teacher ask the students to read the text

15.  Read Culture Corner.(Discuss with your friends)

·         Do language task “Your Turn to Talk”

The Minangkabau brought along with them a rich cultural heritage which is still preserved and practised today as the fascinating ‘Adat Pepatih’, a matrilineal system of inheritance and administration that is unique to the State. A maritrilineal system is one where the wife is the head of the household and inheritance passes from the mother to the daughter. The Minangkabaus are divided into twelve suku or clans, and marriage between between members of the same clan is forbidden. The Minangkabau influence in the state can be found in dances and food as well.


16.  Work Individually
Your Turn to Talk  
after you have read the culture corner, did you like “ funny film? Was it funny? Everyone gives an opinion. Tell why or not. Then each of you tell a story about legend in your cultures?


17.  Comment the presentation of your friends

1.       It would be better if you speak louder
2.       You have to tell the story orderly because ...
3.       I can’t catch the ideas of your story because...

18.  Tell the conclusion of this lesson. (Discuss with your lecturer)

19.  The lecturer informs the students who have the best performance. This reward wiil be accumulated for the final score.

Criteria for the best performance:
a.       Participate actively in class discussion
b.      Speak clearly with proper pronunciation.
c.       Speak expressively with feeling
d.      Speak loudly enough to be heard
20.  Homework
·         Choose one of your favorite stories
·         Then make the retell rope
·         Discuss it next week


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