Senin, 14 Desember 2015

text speech

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

            First of all, let's thanks ALLAH the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.
            Secondly, may salawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the loghtness in this world as well as next world.
            Thirdly, I'll never forget to thanks Ummi Hayati syafri  who has given me oppurtunity to deliver my speech in front of this class and than I want say thanks for audience. 
A teacher requires expertise in managing teaching materials and teachers should be able to make materials that are in the teaching materials according to the needs of students. But now many teachers who do not have the skill to create teaching materials in accordance with the needs of students. As a result, students difficult to understand the lesson and purpose of learning is not achieved with the maximum. Therefore, on this time, allow me to convey about advantages and disadvantages that exist on handout, teacher guide, and power point.

Brother and sister,
Meaning that the real teacher in context that educate, teach, and be a role model for students. The new teacher can be regarded as a spiritual teacher if it meets the following requirements and criteria can be humanizing, effective in teaching, professional in his field, and is able to instill religious values in life learners. To qualify to be a spiritual teacher is needed teaching materials capable of supporting the creativity of teachers in teaching.

Brother and sister,
Here I have the teaching materials for the course speaking in the form of handouts, teacher guide, and power point which is certainly still have many shortcomings. But I hope with this teaching material teachers can know anything that needs to be considered in making teaching materials. There are some advantages and disadvantages that exist on handouts, teacher guide, and power point.
Brother and sister,
The first, the advantages that exist in the handout is to give knowledge to the students so that the students can understand and know about retelling stories, there is a picture so that students easily understand, with the motivation of students can be enthusiastic about learning. Handout are complete with materials, motivation, picture, joke, movie, example, text, ask question, verse al-Quran, hadits, song, and culture corner.
In contrast, the existing shortcomings in the handout that joke used less attractive, still a little motivation, the picture is not so clear, the lack of exercise in the matter, did not much matter who told students to move.

Brother and sister,
The second, the advantages that exist in the teacher's guide, which is in the teacher guide has no instructions that guide teachers in teaching materials on the handout, in the teacher guide are also several activities that send children to move, teacher guide also comes with colors different so that the teacher is easy to understand, teacher guide also comes with a difficult, words that can help teachers when teaching, and the latter is to have moral values.
However, the weaknesses in your teacher is less attractive, there is little instruction, not a lot of activity that asks the students to move, there is no answer from the problems that exist on handouts, many materials are no moral values.

Brother and sister,

            And the last, the advantages that exist in the power point. In the power point there are already existing material on handouts, power point made as attractive as possible so that students eager to learn, power point is also equipped with a moving animation.
Shortcomings in the power point that is not all the material is in power point, drawing on the power point too obvious, no exercise, no motivation, no wise expression, there is no dialogue, and also no hadith.

Finally I will coclude my speech a teacher must have skill in teaching and also to know what how to make teaching materials needed by the students, so that the goal can be achieved with optimal learning. with handouts, teacher guide, and power point I hope the teacher can teach well and able to instill moral values and religion to students as well as cultural values.
That’s all I can say. I say my deep apology for all my words.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb