Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

importance of education in the modern world

Importance of Education in the Modern World

Education is an important tool that is applied in the contemporary world to succeed, as it mitigates the challenges which are faced in life. The knowledge gained through education enables individuals’ potential to be optimally utilized owing to training of the human mind. This opens doors of opportunities enables individual to achieve better prospects in career growth.  Education has played a paramount role in the modern industrial world. This is attributed to the fact prospective employees must be qualified adequately to perform various tasks effectively. Industries entail resources that are sufficiently equipped with the modern technology to suit the needs and wants of the society. This thus, makes education to become a norm for services in all industrial sectors. The primary skills and the ability to apply the skills is the basis for evaluating the market.

The foundation of the society is based on education since it brings economic and social prosperity. Gaining education enhances an individual to live a respectful life in the society. This is because education offers a setting in which culture and values of a society are developed. In this respect, education in modern society provides a forum where the society examines its issues and identifies solutions. The advancement of a society both economically and socially is by gaining education which consequently enables them to run a modern society.

Career wise, education is the foundation of developing individuals by providing knowledge regarding humanity the worldover. Individuals in the society acquire new approaches in life that build opinions on the economical and social life. Education enables the society to interpret the world around them rightly, innovating to new ways and means that conform to their environment.

The current advancement in technology has been enhanced largely by education, as individuals are able to apply the skills acquired in real life leading to innovations. Employment in the contemporary world is based on education, as employees must possess the required skills that correspond with the current technology to perform their tasks. Prospective employees must be equipped with skill for them to cope with ever advancing technology in all industrial and agricultural sectors. Therefore, education has become a basic principle to measure the labor market on the basis of essential skills and the ability to appropriate them through suitable communication.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

contoh modul speaking about when...and for how long


The name of the merciful god and infinite that has given me the opportunity to complete the module entitled When. . . And For How Long? and upan thanks to Ummi who has guided in making this module, This module aims to make us understand the material about When. . .and For How Long?

Saturday30 may 2015

Yeyen surya anggara

Table of contents

MODUL 1: When  . . .And For How Long?
1.      T (Tumbuhkan )
2.      A( Alami )
3.      N(Namai)
4.      D(Demonstrasi )
5.      U (Ulangi )
6.      R (Rayakan )

Target :

after studying this module the students are expected to understand how to use when. , .and for how long? in practice speaking.

                         Teaching Method of Speaking

By using Quantum Teaching TANDUR
About When ... And For How Long

1.    T  (Tumbuhkan)
·         before we entered the subject matter we asked the students who knew about the prophet Muhammad saw biography and hadith about isra mi’raj of prophet muhammad saw.

2.    A  (Alami)

·         we ask the student to the front of the class to talk about the biography prophet muhammad saw and hadith about isra mi’raj of prophet muhammad saw.

Biography of Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W 

Muhammad was born in Makkah in the year 570. Since his father died before his birth and his mother died shortly thereafter, he was raised by his uncle who was from the respected tribe of Quraysh. He was raised illiterate, unable to read or write, and remained so till his death. His people, before his mission as a prophet, were ignorant of science and most of them were illiterate. As he grew up, he became known to be truthful, honest, trustworthy, generous, and sincere. He was so trustworthy that they called him the Trustworthy. Muhammad was very religious, and he had long detested the decadence and idolatry of his society.
At the age of forty, Muhammad received his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel. The revelations continued for twenty-three years, and they are collectively known as the Quran.

As soon as he began to recite the Quran and to preach the truth which God had revealed to him, he and his small group of followers suffered persecution from unbelievers. The persecution grew so fierce that in the year 622 God gave them the command to emigrate. This emigration from Makkah to the city of Madinah, some 260 miles to the north, marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.

After several years, Muhammad and his followers were able to return to Makkah, where they forgave their enemies. Before Muhammad died, at the age of sixty-three, the greater part of the Arabian Peninsula had become Muslim, and within a century of his death, Islam had spread to Spain in the West and as far East as China. Among the reasons for the rapid and peaceful spread of Islam was the truth and clarity of its doctrine. Islam calls for faith in only one God, Who is the only one worthy of worship.

The Prophet Muhammad was a perfect example of an honest, just, merciful, compassionate, truthful, and brave human being. Though he was a man, he was far removed from all evil characteristics and strove solely for the sake of God and His reward in the Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and dealings, he was ever mindful and fearful of God.


The event of isra Mi’raj is one of miracles of our prophet saw. Allah honors our great prophet deeply with this miracle when he experienced painful and frightening luck. In journey of isra and mi’raj he also witnessed many odd events which could be lessons for the Muslims. Among other this thing is what was told by Abu Horairoh ra that the messenger said that:
“At the night I was taken to Isra’, that was when I arrived at the seventh sky, I was (an odd view). I saw upward, and suddenly, i found thunder, flash of lightning, and thunderbolt. I then came to a group of people whose stomaches were like a house containing snakes. The snakes could be been from outside their stomaches. I then asked, ‘O Jibril, who are they? He answered; they are people who used to eat usury”.

·         After the students had finished we give a applause and say the word excellent.

3.    N (Namai)

·         we write the title of the subject matter on the white board

When. . . And For How Long?

4.    D (Demonstrasi )

·         we begin to explain the material about when ... and for how long?

The first we asked the students to read al-Quran letters al-Baqarah verse 185.

        Al- Quran
Al baqarah : 185

185. (Beberapa hari yang ditentukan itu ialah) bulan Ramadhan, bulan yang di dalamnya diturunkan (permulaan) Al Quran sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang hak dan yang bathil). Karena itu, barangsiapa di antara kamu hadir (di negeri tempat tinggalnya) di bulan itu, maka hendaklah ia berpuasa pada bulan itu, dan barangsiapa sakit atau dalam perjalanan (lalu ia berbuka), maka (wajiblah baginya berpuasa), sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkannya itu, pada hari-hari yang lain. Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagimu, dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran bagimu. Dan hendaklah kamu mencukupkan bilangannya dan hendaklah kamu mengagungkan Allah atas petunjuk-Nya yang diberikan kepadamu, supaya kamu bersyukur.

185. (Some days it is specified) month of Ramadan, the month in which derived (the beginning of) the Quran as guidance for mankind and the explanations of the clues and the difference (between the right and falsehood). Therefore, whoever of you is present (in the country where he lived) in the month, let him fast the month, and whoever is ill or on a journey (then he break the fast), then (wajiblah him up) from the day he left it , on the other days. Allah desires ease for you, and does not want hardship for you. And be ye replenish his number and you shall glorify God for His guidance given to you, that ye may be grateful.

·         after that we tell students to answer questions.

Exercise :

1.1    Answer these question .

a.       explain the meaning of Al-Baqara verse 185


·         make students into groups each group consisting of two people and then tell the students read the dialogue and practice it in front of the class.

1.      Conversation

Practice these conversation with your friend in front of the class.


Fatimah : hello. Sorry I’m late.
Maryam : look at the time. It’s after three o’clock , and I’ve been waiting for hours.
Fatimah : well ,I had a praying in the mosque.
Maryam : a praying until three o’clock ?
Fatimah : the praying was from one o’clock, and I’ve been walking since then. I’ve been walking for an hour.
Maryam : well, we must make the task now .
Fatimah : ok


Yossi :  the city where you live is so nice, putry. Everything is so beautifully arranged.
Putry : thank you.
Yossi : and how long have you been living here ?
Putry : only for four years. After my study finished, I will live in the my village.
Yossi : why you don’t live here for the long time ?
Putry : I want, but I have many reasons about it .
Yossi : no problem, you have been thinking about it .

·         after the students practice the dialogue we ask the students to do questions

Exercise :

1.5  Read dialogues 1.1 and 1.2 again quickly and then practise these question and their answer without looking at the dialogues.

a.       How long did maryam say she had been waiting for fatimah
b.      How long did pray last ?
c.       How long has putry been living in the city ?

·         showed a video to the students and the students were asked to make a conclusion from the video.


The conclusion of video :
a.       Never make your mother's heart sad
b.       care and take care of your mother even if she is old
c.       real heaven is under mother's feet

·        ask students to pay attention to the image that is then students make free essay related material.


·         asks the students to read and understand it wise expression

Wise expression  
       “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you    haven't.”Thomas A. Edison
When you invite trouble, it's usually quick to accept. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
When "Why not do it?" barely outweighs "Why do it?" — don't do it. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960.
When you live in reaction, you give your power away. Then you get to experience what you gave your power to. ~N. Smith

·         students are asked to read the humor and practic in font of the class


v  An old woman came to the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) that I will enter Paradise." He said jokingly, "O Mother of So-and-so, no old women will enter Paradise." The old woman went away crying, so the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said, "Tell her that she will not enter Paradise as an old woman, for Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) says: (We have created [their Companions] of special creation, and made them virgin-pure [and undefiled]) (Qur'an 56:35-36)." Reported by al-Tirmidhi, it is hasan because of the existence of corroborating reports.
v  "When I was in the desert," said Nasruddin one day, "I caused an entire tribe of horrible and bloodthirsty bedouins to run."
"However did you do it?" asked a person.
"Easy. I just ran, and they ran after me."

·         we ask the student who knows the city's culture bukittinggi

Culture corner
Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Bukit Tinggi is one of the big cities in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Located in the Minangkabau highlands, it is about 90km away from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. Nearby Bukit Tinggi are the inactive volcanoes of Mount Singgalang and the still active Mount Merapi. Situated 930 meters above sea level, the city has a cool climate with temperatures between 16-24 degrees celsius.

The heart of the Highland in Sumatra Indonesia, Bukittinggi is a 2 hour drive journey through the beautiful countryside of the Anai valley and up to the Agam Plateau. The centre of attraction is the unique town's clocktower referred to as Jam Gadang. It overloks the market square and the magnificent surroundings of the city.
The Minangkabau are the Islamic people with vibrant matrilineal societies living in West Sumatra. The primary source of income for the Minangkabau people are the Wet rice agriculture due to the fertile valleys of the highlands.

·         students are asked to sing a song your mother together
Islamic song 
                        Your mother
                 By yusuf
Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honour to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah
And Rasulullah
Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father
Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and clothe you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
That's right no other
My mother
Who should I take good care of?
Giving all my love
Who should I think the most of?
After Allah
And Rasulullah
Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father
Cause who used to hear you Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
No one but your mother
My mother
Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to
Never say no to
After Allah
And Rasulullah
Comes your mother
Who next?Your mother
Who next?Your mother
And then your father
Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes
Comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you'd cry
Who'd wiped your tears?
Knows your fears
Who really cares?
Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For my mother.

·         after finished singing the song the students were asked to answer the question

Exercise :

1.2    sing a song and answer the question

a.       what the meaning of the song

5.    U (Ulangi )

·         ask students who can sing to sing your mother in front of the class

·         after the students finished singing we ask students to answer the exercises that aim to recall the material that has been discussed.

Question :

1.      explain the meaning of the letter al-Baqarah verse 185
2.      when the Prophet Muhammad was born
3.      name the hadith which explain about when ...and for how long?
4.      How long has putry been living in the city ?
5.      What is the conclusion of video ?
6.      what the name of the mountain in bukittinggi?
7.      What the meaning of the song ?
8.      to whom we give our respect after the rasulullah
9.      what the meaning the wise expression by Thomas A. Edison
10.  what do you think abou the picture

6.    R (Rayakan )

If we has finish about all of our lessons let we give :
·         Applause
·         Reward
·         Praise
